Investors that require:
This fund invests in Namibian and South African short to medium dated instruments that are considered risk free or carries some credit risk. These include a wide range of instruments issued by banks and other institutions. This fund will not take derivative positions or apply any leverage in the portfolio through borrowing or short selling.
To outperform the Simonis Storm Securities Daily Bond Index over a rolling 2 year period while managing the interest rate risk in relation to modified duration.
Investors who wish to preserve wealth and who:
This fund invests in a combination of Namibian fixed rate, floating rate and inflation linked bonds. Bonds with a maturity of less than 12 months are specifically excluded.
The Fund aims to outperform Namibia Inflation + 4% and to preserve the purchasing power of assets and to invest in an appropriate mix of Equities, Fixed Income, Property, Commodities and Cash. The fund is allowed offshore exposure up to 35% of the portfolio.
Investors who wish to preserve wealth and who:
This fund can invest in a wide variety of assets, such as listed equities, listed bonds, listed property, listed commodities and cash, including Namibia, South Africa and internationally. The fund complies with Regulation 13, which limits the exposure of retirement investors to certain asset classes. In order to be compliant with Regulation 13, this fund has to hold a minimum of 45% of investments in Namibia.
The fund will not apply any leverage in the portfolio through borrowing or short positions. The fund may take derivative positions, but only as a portfolio management decision to hedge portfolio exposures or to apply a more cost-effective asset allocation.
The fund aims to outperform the: Composite Benchmark (JSE SWIX Capped Index 35%, MSCI World Index 30%, JSE Property/Real Estate Index 2.5%, Bloomberg Commodity Index 2.5%, STeFI Index 10%, Simonis Storm Securities Securities Government Bond Total Return Index 20%) and to maximise long-term capital appreciation by investing in a balanced portfolio of Equities, Fixed-Income, Property, Commodities, and Cash.
Investors who are maximising wealth and who:
This fund can invest in a wide variety of assets, such as listed equities, listed bonds, listed property, listed commodities and cash, including Namibia, South Africa and internationally. The fund complies with Regulation 13, which limits the exposure of retirement investors to certain asset classes. In order to be compliant with Regulation 13, this fund has to hold a minimum of 45% of investments in Namibia.
The fund has exposure to a combination of domestic and foreign equities which may not exceed 75%, with a maximum offshore exposure of 35%.
The fund will not apply any leverage in the portfolio through borrowing or short positions. The fund may take derivative positions, but only as a portfolio management decision to hedge portfolio exposures or to apply a more cost-effective asset allocation.
The SA Equity Fund aims to outperform the FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index and to maximise long-term capital appreciation by investing in listed equities in South Africa.
Investors who are maximising wealth and who:
This fund invests only in South African listed equities.
The fund will not apply any leverage in the portfolio through borrowing or short positions. The fund may take derivative positions, but only as a portfolio management decision to hedge portfolio exposures or to apply a more cost-effective asset allocation.
The Global Opportunities Fund aims to outperform the MSCI World Index and to maximise long-term capital appreciation by investing in listed equities in global developed and emerging markets.
Investors who are maximising wealth and who:
This fund invests only in developed and emerging market listed equities.
The fund will not apply any leverage in the portfolio through borrowing or short positions. The fund may take derivative positions, but only as a portfolio management decision to hedge portfolio exposures or to apply a more cost-effective asset allocation.
The return objective for the fund is twofold:
Investors who wish to preserve wealth and who:
This fund invests in various listed property stocks listed in the Johannesburg Securities Exchange.
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